

Bulk Pickup

Apr 5, 2025  |  7am

Bulk Trash Pickup is scheduled for April 5th at 7 AM. Be sure to have your items out for collection. A maximum of three (3) cubic yards of acceptable residential bulk items will be collected. Items must be placed on the curb no earlier than Friday (4/4) and no later than 7am Saturday (4/5) without blocking the sidewalk. Items placed after 7 a.m., and those not collected, will be the resident’s responsibility to dispose of by the end of the day.

Please review the attached flyer from Waste Connections for more information on acceptable and unacceptable items. Also, please note that residents and guests outside of Sweetwater Glen typically drive through the neighborhood on Friday evening looking for items to re-home.
If you encounter any pickup issues, please contact Waste Connections at 512-282-3508 or sweetwaterglen@wasteconnections.com.



Complete details can be viewed here